By sponsoring a child with HOPE, you can make a lasting difference to the future of a child and their family. Through the Educational Sponsorship Programme, we support children from pre-school right through to third level. Education Sponsorship covers schoolbooks, uniforms, fees and after school coaching if needed.
Sponsorship costs only €23 per month, or €265 for a full year. That works out at just €5.75 per week. Please note that payment renewals are processed automatically. If you decide child sponsorship is right for you, then we will assign a particular child to you.
What to expect from your Child Sponsorship
Ready to Sponsor a Child's Education?
You can sign up quickly and securely online via our shop siteTax Efficient Giving
If you donate €250 or more to The Hope Foundation during the tax year, HOPE can further benefit by claiming back tax on charitable donations, thereby considerably ncreasing the value of your donation. This is now applicable to all donors regardless of tax status (PAYE and Self-assessed people). Simply complete the Enduring Cert (formerly CHY3) and post to: The Hope Foundation, Silverdale Grove, Ballinlough, Cork, Ireland. Thank you!