Donate Online Quickly & Securely
You can make a once-off or monthly donation securely online by clicking the button opposite. Your kind donation will be allocated to the area of greatest need at the time of receipt.Other Ways to Donate
Send a Cheque
You can also donate by posting a cheque, draft or postal order.
Make payable to The Hope Foundation and post to:
The Hope Foundation, Silverdale Grove, Ballinlough, Cork.
Standing Order
To download the Donations Standing Order Form click here.
Please print and return the completed form to:
The Hope Foundation, Silverdale Grove, Ballinlough, Cork.
Tax Efficient Giving
Did you know that you grow your donation by 45% and it won’t cost a cent more? Give over €250 in any given year and HOPE can benefit by claiming tax back on your donation. It will only take 1 minute!
This is applicable to all donors, regardless of their tax status (PAYE or self-assessed). It’s a hugely underused facility, so please do take a moment to download the Tax Relief Form, print and sign it and return by post to: The Hope Foundation, Silverdale Grove, Ballinlough, Cork.