Darren Kennedy on RTE Today Show

Darren Kennedy on RTE Today Show

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]All of us at HOPE want to say a big thanks to Darren Kennedy and to Specsavers Ireland for all their amazing suppport.

A team from Specsavers and Darren along with Suzanne from Wilson Hartnell will travel to Kolkata this weekend conduct much needed eye clinics, providing eyecare to thousands of children and people in the street and slum communities. At home we take it for granted that we can get glasses of some kind when we can’t see properly, in Kolkata this kind of simple life-changing fix is just not possible for so many. Specsavers Ireland are providing a real life-changing service.

Here Darren Kennedy talks so beautifully about the importance of this mission on yesterday’s RTE Today Show with Maura and Daithi.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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