Dublin Lunch a Huge Success

Dublin Lunch a Huge Success

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]HOPE would like to express our sincerest gratitude to everyone who attended our annual fundraising lunch held on Friday 25th March in the Inter Continental Hotel.

This was HOPE’s first live event in over 2 years and we were delighted to welcome back and enjoy the company of HOPE friends old and new. A huge thanks also to DAM Health who provided HOPE with generous sponsorship to make this event possible. HOPE are delighted to report that we raised in excess of €44,500 between ticket sales, auction and raffle, and could not have done this without the support and generosity of those who donated prizes for auction and raffle and our guests, entertainer and auctioneer.

See below a selection of photographs from the day, courtesy of Arthur Carron[/vc_column_text][dt_gallery_masonry bwb_columns=”desktop:4|h_tablet:4|v_tablet:3|phone:2″ image_border_radius=”0px” project_icon_color=”#ffffff” project_icon_border_width=”0px” include=”50445,50446,50447,50448,50449,50450,50451,50452″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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