We urgently need child sponsors for our programme in Kolkata. We have 49 children and 29 teenagers and young adults on the Educational Sponsorship list waiting for sponsors. Can you help us? For as little as €5 euro a week you will change a life.
The Hope Foundation’s Educational Sponsorship Programme was set up to help these children achieve their right to education. Education not only helps the child to have a better future but also helps their families and wider communities.
You can make a huge difference by sponsoring through the HOPE Child Education Sponsorship programme.
It costs just €250 to cover a child’s educational, clothing and nutritional needs for a year, that’s just €21 per month. If you are interested in sponsoring an individual child through their education call us on (021) 4292990, email fionah@hopefoundation.ie or click here to find out more and download the standing order form.