For a donation of just €5 you could win a Gardena Robotic Mower & Gardena Robotic Mower Garage worth over €1,300!
This mower is ideal for small & complex lawn areas, quietest on the market (58db), all weather use, quick & easy do-it-yourself install, easy to clean and maintain. The robust plastic garage provides protection from both sun and rain for a Gardena Robotic Lawnmower and the charging station.
One entry for the raffle costs €5. You can get 2 entries for €8 and 5 entries for €20 – that’s one entry for free![/vc_column_text][dt_default_button link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hopefoundation.ie%2Fmower%2F” size=”big” button_alignment=”btn_center” icon=”JTNDaSUyMGNsYXNzJTNEJTIyZmElMjBmYS10aWNrZXQlMjIlM0UlMjAlM0MlMkZpJTNF”]CLICK TO ENTER RAFFLE[/dt_default_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]